Mini Flush-Mount RFID readerMini Flush-Mount RFID readerMini Flush-Mount RFID reader

Model number: PP-30



  • Mini Flush-Mount RFID reader
  • Support 125KHz (EM / H.I.D.) & 13.56MHz(Mifare / DESFire / FeliCa / ICODE-2(Optional))
  • Customized Mifare Reader to read specific sector/block.
  • Communications: TTL / RS-232
  • Output Format: Wiegand 26 / 34 / 58bits

31MM Mini Flush-Mount RFID Reader


Model No.PP-30NPP-30HPP-30M0
Frequency125KHz ASK125KHz FSK13.56MHz
CompatibilityISO18000-2 EM4001, 4100, 4102, TEMIC 5567H.I.D.ISO14443 A, MIFARE® Classic, Plus, Ultralight, DESFire, NFC (card simulation), ISO14443 B(Optional), ICODE-2(Optional)
Power VoltageDC10~24V DC9~12V 
Output Format/
Wiegand 26/34bits, TTL/
Wiegand 34~58 bits, TTL
IP Rating IP54

Dimension: Unit(mm)

31MM Mini Flush-Mount RFID Reader

Application field

RFID Reader-Access control systemRFID Reader-Mailbox management systemRFID Reader-Intercom system
Access control systemMailbox management systemIntercom system
RFID Reader-Lift access control systemRFID Reader-Charging stationRFID Reader-HMI、PLC
Lift access control systemCharging stationHMI、PLC
RFID Reader-Production controlRFID Reader-Vehicle rental systemRFID Reader-Kiosk/POS System
Production controlVehicle rental systemKiosk/POS System
RFID Reader-Membership SystemRFID Reader-Library automation
Membership SystemLibrary automation

Ordering information

Model No.Function
PP-30VNWTR2125MHz EM reader, Wiegand 26/34bits, TTL/RS-232, DC10~24V
PP-30VHWTR2125MHz H.I.D. reader, Wiegand 26/34bits, TTL/RS-232, DC10~24V
PP-30M0WT13.56MHz Mifare reader,Wiegand 34~58bits, TTL, DC9~12V
Customized Mifare Reader to read specific sector/block
PP-30/M8W2613.56MHz Mifare reader, Pegasus Key, Wiegand 26 bits, DC9~12V
PP-30/M8T13.56MHz Mifare reader, Pegasus Key, TTL, DC9~12V
PP-30/M1W2613.56MHz Mifare reader, Customized proprietary key, Wiegand 26 bits, DC9~12V
PP-30/M1T13.56MHz Mifare reader, Customized proprietary key, TTL, DC9~12V

※ Other customer request specifications are welcomed.

Mifare is a registered trademark of NXP B.V.
Mifare DESFire is a registered trademark of NXP B.V.
FeliCa is a trademark of Sony Corporation.

Specifications subject to change without notice for further modification.



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30MMMini Flush-Mount RFID Reader Catalog